Carroll County Community Resources

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I Am My Brother's Keeper logo

I Am My Brother's Keeper

I Am My Brother’s Keeper of West Georgia provides free hot meals on the 1st Saturday of each month at 360 Columbia Dr., Carrollton, GA.

Little Free Pantry logo

Free Little Pantry

The Little Free Pantry Program provides access to non-perishable items to those in need within our community. Anyone can donate items, and anyone can take needed items.

Giving Hearts, Inc. logo

Giving Hearts Inc.

Giving Hearts, Inc. is an outlet for those who face food insecurity that do not have transportation or means to access food at a household level.

Circles of West Georgia logo

Circles of West Georgia

Circles of West Georgia is an innovative, community-driven way to affect poverty. We strive to provide a “next step” in the services that our community provides to its members who are struggling to meet basic needs consistently. We provide long-term, one-on-one, adult mentoring to improve education, employment, financial management, and personal growth and improvement.

Hearts of Cleburne, A Helping Hand Ministry logo


HEARTS provides personal resources such as clothing, toiletries, or household goods for those in need – striving to help every resident become self-reliant thus improving their ability to succeed. Additional services include Financial Assistance and Cancer Relied Services.

Impact West Georgia logo

Impact West Georgia

Impact West GA aims to help vulnerable people in our community overcome tough challenges, such as homelessness, illiteracy, and access to healthcare.

Carroll County Child Advocacy Center logo

Carroll County Child Advocacy Center

Carroll County Child Advocacy Center exists to champion the needs to sexually, physically, and emotional abused children in Carroll, Haralson, and Heard counties through prevention, intervention, and collaboration.

Pregnancy Resource Center logo

Pregnancy Resource Center

Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) offers medical services free of charge provided by trained medical professionals. Medical services include pregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds, and prenatal education.

Open Hands United Christian Ministry logo

Open Hands United Christian Ministry

Open Hands United Christian Ministry is a collaborative effort by member churches and the community through which services are provided to those in need in Carroll County – such as prayer support, volunteers, food donations, and other services.

Carroll County Soup Kitchen logo

Carroll County Soup Kitchen

Carroll County Soup Kitchen is open for take-out lunch Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11am-12pm. Drive-through or dine inside at 345 Beulah Church Road, Carrollton, GA.

Recovery & Restoration Ministries logo

Recovery & Restoration Ministries

Recovery & Restoration Ministries provides men in early addiction recovery and returning citizens a safe, drug free environment, in order to rehabilitate, educate, and train for job placement, family responsibility, and self sufficiency.

West Georgia Domestic Violence Shelter logo

Carroll County Emergency Shelter

Carroll County Emergency Shelter is a non-profit, Domestic Violence Shelter located in Carrollton, GA, serving the Counties of Carroll, Heard, Haralson, Coweta, and Meriwether. Our number one goal remains the same: to provide safe shelter and supportive services to victims of domestic violence in our five rural counties.

Find Help Georgia's logo.

Find Help Georgia

Find Help Georgia can help you with financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, child care, job training, and other free or reduced-cost services specific to your area.

Childcare and Parent Services logo

Childcare and Parent Services

The CAPS program supports early education goals by assisting low-income families with the cost of child care while they work, go to school or training, or participate in other work-related activities.

Empowering Minds logo

Empowering Minds

Empowering Minds helps those seeking professional counseling and pastoral care.

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